Appointment Info

Booking info

  • Once we've agreed on a day and approximate time/cost, in order to begin the design process and/or secure your appointment date, I'll need a $50 deposit. NOTHING IS CONFIRMED UNTIL A DEPOSIT IS RECEIVED. This will count towards the total cost of your tattoo. It's non-refundable, but if you need to reschedule you won't lose the deposit if given more than 72 hours notice. I except payment via cash or e-transfer.

  • If the piece is custom, the deposit is taken as a drawing fee and NOT taken off the final price of your tattoo. I typically send designs a few days before your appointment. If you have any pertinent info - existing tattoos that need to be worked around, photo references, etc, please send that asap so that I can take them into consideration during the design process. Significant re-designs may incur a charge of $50/hr.

Before your appointment

  • Arrive clean and showered, in comfortable clothing with the area we’re working on easily accessible.

  • Avoid alcohol the 24 hours before for a more painless tattoo. I will not tattoo you if you arrive drunk, high, or hungover.

  • Eat a meal at least two hours before you appointment. Come well hydrated.

    • Feel free to bring snacks

  • If you have a lot of body hair in the area we will be working on, I recommend shaving before hand so that you have a more comfortable experience.